Saturday, 13 February 2016

When it hurts, SMILE

I was part of a dance class, many years ago. The instructor made us stretch every limb and then hold that position. 

Hold 1..  2.. 3.. 4.. 5.. Release.

The counts became progressively longer as we advanced into the class. And not just our bodies, but our faces contorted into various painful expressions because of the strain. The instructor was always straight-faced or had a smile. 

He asked the class one day, ''Is it hurting?'' We just about croaked out a 'yes!'

''Good. Smile when it hurts. If it's hurting,  it's working.''

And that, my friends, is one of the best things I took away from my class. 

Till date, if I get yelled at at home, or work's not working, or friends are being odd or things don't go the way I picture them in my head and it hurts, I just smile.

Just put up a clown-sized smile on that face. 

Because if it's hurting it's working towards a better you. 


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